
Scientific engagement

Promotion of science and research

Biotest actively participates in the education of future scientists. For mandatory internships, bachelor, master and doctoral theses carried out in the company, there are co-operations with universities and colleges throughout Germany (including Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Mainz, Giessen, Marburg, Bonn and Tübingen) with a focus on universities in the Rhine-Main region. Students work on projects initiated up by Biotest as well as on topics that are financed by public research funding (e.g. “Horizon 2020” Program of the European Union).

Company employees directly participate in scientific lectures, presenting practical case experience and sharing their expertise with future scientists in events either on location at Biotest or at lectures and seminars at the university.

Biotest also supports specific scientific activities for student education, such as the German scholarship programs of the Goethe-University in Frankfurt, the Paul Ehrlich Prize, the “Night of Science” at the Goethe-University and various other education and training programs for specialist staff.

Furthermore, Biotest supports the Foundation for “Haemotherapy Research”, which focuses on promoting young researchers in the fields of transfusion medicine, coagulation research and the safety of blood and blood products.

In the context of national and international scientific associations, there is lively intellectual exchange between various academic research institutions and Biotest. A good example of such cooperation is the International Training Network EDUC8 in the field of hemophilia research, which involves almost 20 academic, scientific and private sector organisations from all over Europe as part of the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Campaign of the European Union.

Cooperation with patient organisations and physicians

Serious chronic diseases often result in severe psychological, social and financial burdens for patients and their families. In this context, the work of patient organisations, foundations and associations is essential. Biotest is involved in many ways to help those affected by serious chronic diseases beyond the provision of medical aid, and to raising society's awareness of the concerns and hardships of patients sick and their families.

For example, Biotest supports the Hemophilia Foundation in Germany with donations and organisational assistance in its daily work.

In the field of hemophilia, Biotest also supports the “World Federation of Hemophilia” (WFH), the “European Hemophilia Consortium” (EHC) and the “European Association for Hemophilia and Allied Disorders” (EAHAD) as well as the two German patient organizations "Deutsche Hämophilie Gesellschaft" (DHG) and the "Interessengemeinschaft Hämophiler" (IGH). These organisations have set themselves the goal of providing patients (especially in countries with a less developed health care system) with better access to treatment and improved hemophilia care.

In the field of immunological diseases, the “International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiency” (IPOPI) has similar goals. This organisation is committed to improve the diagnosis of immunological diseases and patients' access to treatment.

Biotest also cooperates with the “International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies” (INGID). INGID aims to improve the quality of care for patients with immunodeficiencies and to strengthen the understanding of immunodeficiencies among nurses.

Biotest also supports “Deutsche Selbsthilfe angeborene Immundefekte” (DSAI), a patient organisation committed to improving the situation of patients with congenital immunodeficiencies and their relatives.

In addition, we support the organization “Organtransplantierter NRW e.V.” and the “Deutsche Akademie für Transplantationsmedizin e.V.” (German Academy for Transplant Medicine).

Furthermore, Biotest AG is a member of the “Deutsche Sepsis-Gesellschaft” and the DGfI (German Society for Immunology).

In addition, Biotest cooperates with the “Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association” (PPTA), which, among other things, as a partner of the physicians' network FIND-ID, pursues the goal of improving the diagnosis and therapy of congenital immune defects across borders. 

As a member of AKG (Arzneimittel und Kooperation im Gesundheitswesen e. V.), we are committed to transparency in our cooperations and are pleased that we were able to support the following patient organizations / patient self-help organizations with cash or in-kind contributions in 2023.

Patient Organisation Cash grant Contribution in kind Contact information (email address)

Deutsche Selbsthilfe Angeborene Immundefekte e.V.

10.000,00 €

Selbsthilfe Organtransplantierter NRW 2.000,00 € -
ICON e.V. 85.000,00 € 1.444,00 €
Bluter Betreuung Bayern e.V.

15.000,00 €

Bundesverband "Das frühgeborene Kind" e.V 10.000,00 € - https.//
Deutsche Bluthilfe e.V. 5.000,00 € -
Deutsche Hämophilie Gesellschaft (DHG) 15.000,00 € -



As a member of the AKG (Arzneimittel und Kooperation im Gesundheitswesen e.V. - Pharmaceuticals and Cooperation in Healthcare), we are committed to transparency in our cooperations and are pleased to announce that in 2023 we will support the following institutions, organizations or associations of healthcare professionals
(e.g. hospitals, university clinics, medical scientific societies), which provide medical services, conduct research, teach and / or provide further training, with the following donations in cash or in kind of EUR 10,000.00 or more.

Institutions, organisations or associations of healthcare professionals Cash grant Contribution in kind
Stiftung Hämotherapie-Forschung 30.000,00 € -
Hämophilie-Stiftung 100.000,00 € -
DAT Dt Akademie für Transplantationsmedizin e.V 10.000,00 € -
Pädiatrische Forschungsnetzwerk gGmbH 35.000,00 € -
Türkisch-Deutsche Gesundheitsstiftung e.V. - 167.558,00 €