«Collaborative working between the industry and HCPs has led to significant health benefits. Over the past fifty years, life expectancy on the continent has increased by almost a decade. By continuing to work in partnership with the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry aims to continue to contribute to the improved health and wellbeing of people worldwide.»
«It is a relationship that has delivered numerous innovative medicines and changed the way many diseases impact on our lives. Industry and health professionals collaborate in a range of activities from clinical research, sharing best clinical practice and exchanging information on how new medicines fit in to the patient pathway. Bringing greater transparency to this, already well-regulated, vital relationship is about strengthening the basis for collaboration in the future. Society has increasingly high expectations for transparency, none more so than in healthcare. We want to ensure we meet those expectations going forward.» (www.efpia.eu)
Collaborative working between the industry and HCPs has led to significant health benefits. Over the past fifty years, life expectancy on the continent has increased by almost a decade. By continuing to work in partnership with the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry aims to continue to contribute to the improved health and wellbeing of people worldwide
Biotest (Schweiz) AG is a member of ScienceINDUSTRIES Switzerland which is member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). We are fully committed to the new Disclosure (Transparency) Code of Conduct.
In the frame of this membership Biotest (Schweiz) AG discloses all collaboration with healthcare professionals (HCPs) and healthcare organizations (HCOs) to show and prove that we interact with HCPs and HCOs in an ethical and transparent way.
Since 1st January 2015, all transfers of value (ToV) to HCPs and HCOs are collected and reported for the first time in 2016 – and every consecutive year thereafter.
The following value transfers are included:
- Grants and donations to HCO´s
- Speaker and consultancy fees for HCP´s
- Sponsoring of events organized by or on behalf of HCO´s
- Invitation of HCPs to congresses and educational or scientific meetings
- Research and development related transfers of value (only as aggregated report)
According to the regulations this information will be published on our website www.biotest.ch under the section “Compliance”
The proposed EFPIA format for the disclosure report is also used by the local pharma associations in Switzerland – in our case ScienceIndustries (www.scienceindustries.ch) and vips (www.vips.ch), both members of EFPIA.
The report defines in a transparent way the different categories and how to disclose transfer of values to HCP´s and HCO´s on an annual basis.
To receive further information about the new Transparency Code you may either visit the EFPIA website: www. transparency.efpia.eu or the website of the corresponding Swiss association ScienceINDUSTRIES: https://en.scienceindustries.ch/involvement/pharma-code-and-pharma-cooperation-code/disclosure-obligation
Biotest (Schweiz) AG is collecting and disclosing the data in the reports using the following basic methodology.
Scope overview of Transfers of Values (ToVs):
The Disclosure Report of Biotest (Schweiz) AG is following the standards pursuant to the local transposition of EFPIA Disclosure Code and national transparency laws/regulations
Transfers of values to HCP´s and HCO´s will be published by the
country of the recipient i.e. Switzerland and will include also transfers of
values which are made by any other of Biotest’s coporate affiliates.
Subject to the Disclosure Report are all direct or indirect ToVs related to the development and sale of prescription-only medicinal products by Biotest (Schweiz) AG to or for the benefit of a HCPs/HCO recipient made by any Biotest affiliate as described in the Disclosure Code.
ToVs related to a group of products including prescription-only medicines are reported in total following the disclosure requirements of the Disclosure Code. The listed total ToVs do not include the mandatory excess covered by the recipients directly and the amounts are net without Value Added Tax (VAT or MWSt in Switzerland).
The ToVs are with no exception based on written agreements between Biotest (Schweiz) AG and the recipients. These agreements are based on the Corporate Code of Conduct of Biotest AG. In the frame of these agreements the recipients explicitly give the authorization to publish the ToVs in the Disclosure Report.
Excluded from disclosure are items such as objects of medical utility, meals and drinks, medical samples or items which are part of ordinary course purchases and sales of pharmaceutical products by and between a Member Company and HCP or HCO.
Biotest (Schweiz) AG disclosure is performed for the full calendar year 2015.