Foundation of Biotest Serum-Institut GmbH by Carl Adolf Schleussner and Dr Hans Schleussner; initial focus on research on blood typing serology
The test serum anti-D for the determination of the rhesus factor is introduced world-wide as one of the first products of this kind
Production of the first plasma protein product, Biseko® |
Ground breaking for the new production facilities at Dreieich followed by gradual transfer of all activities from Frankfurt to Dreieich
Foundation of first European distribution subsidiaries in Italy and Austria
Production of the first polyspecific immunoglobulin preparation
Foundation of distribution subsidiary in U.K. |
Development of the first air sampler as the start of Biotest's Microbiological Diagnostic business (hygiene monitoring)
1982 and 1983
Market introduction of the hyper-immunoglobulin preparations Hepatect®, Cytotect®, and Varitect®
- Market introduction of the first intravenously tolerable IgM-enriched immunoglobulin Pentaglobin®
- Foundation of distribution subsidiary in Switzerland
Reorganization of Biotest Serum-Institut GmbH to Biotest AG, advancing the expansion of the business divisions Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostics |
As a world-wide operating corporation, Biotest goes public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange |
1988 |
Foundation of distribution subsidiary in Hungary
Production of the first double virus-inactivated factor VIII preparation (Haemoctin®) for haemophiliacs |
2001 |
Foundation of the German plasma collection company Plasma Service Europe GmbH
- Start of operation of the extensively modernised pharmaceutical production facility, followed by further additions to capacity (total investments over € 80 million)
- Market introduction of Intratect®
Approval of the fully-automated blood typing system TANGO and the corresponding reagents for the US market |
Purchase of plasma protein business of Nabi Biopharmaceuticals Corp.
- Foundation of the Hungarian plasma collection company Plazmaszolgálat Kft.
- FDA authorises marketing of manual reagents for blood group typing
- European approval for Haemonine® (Factor IX)
- Expansion of immunoglobulin production capacity at the Dreieich site from 2 to 4 tons
- Marketing authorization for Zutectra®
- Sale of Medical Diagnostics business to Bio-Rad completed
- Foundation of distribution subsidiary in Spain
2011 |
- Cooperation contract on co-development and co-marketing of monoclonal antibody BT-061 with Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
- Sale of microbiological monitoring business to Merck KGaA
- Foundation of distribution subsidiary in Brazil
- Europe-wide marketing authorisation of Intratect® 100 g/l (10%)
- Marketing authorization Bivigam® in the US
- Market launch of Bivigam® in the US
- New share issuance successfully secures € 76 million capital increase
- Biotest support "project recovery" for the production of haemophilia preparations for developing countries
- Private debt placement rises € 210 million
- Market authorization of Albiomin® in Brazil, commissioning of the extended Albiomin® production capacity
- Start of the expansion project "Biotest Next Level" at the Dreieich site in Germany
2014 |
- Marketing authorisation Albiomin in China
- Foundation of distribution subsidiary in France
2015 |
- Biotest share split with a ratio 1:3
- Opening of day care centre BioNest
- Start of clinical phase IIa trial with the monoclonal antibody BT-063 in the indication Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
- Commissioning of new Plasma goods receipt area including virological test laboratories
2016 |
- Biotest opens six plasma collection centres
- Cooperation agreement with Octapharma for German-speaking markets to offer a recombinant factor VIII preparation
- Start of global clinical phase III study of IgG Next Generation in the indication Primary Immunodeficiency Disease (PID), a novel development of our polyvalent immunoglobulin G
2017 |
- Sale of US-Therapy business of Biotest Pharmaceuticals Corp. to ADMA Biologics with at the same time intensified cooperation with ADMA
- Start of European clinical phase III study in the indication Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) of IgG Next Generation, a novel development of our polyvalent immunoglobulin G
- Chinese strategic investor Creat Group makes voluntary public takeover offer for the shares of Biotest AG
- Biotest AG shareholders accept voluntary public tender offer by Creat Group
- Takeover of Czech plasma collection company Cara Plasma s.r.o.
- Biotest opens four plasma collection centres in Europe
2018 |
- Creat takeover of Biotest after fulfilment of all conditions, amongst others the sale of the US-subsidiaries to Grifols SA
- Start of European clinical phase III study in the indication acquired fibrinogen deficiency of fibrinogen concentrate BT524, a novel high-purity fibrinogen with a defined concentration, high level of viral safety and good solubility
2019 |
- Biotest opens three plasma collection centres in Europe
- Phase III study for IgG Next Generation in Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) successfully completed
2020 |
- Successful entry into the world's largest market for Human Albumin in China
- Phase III study for IgG Next Generation in Primary Immunodeficiency Disease (PID) successfully completed
- Biotest is one of the first plasma protein manufacturers to provide digital package leaflets for all products
COVID-19 activities
- Biotest participates in cross-industry development of a therapy for the treatment of COVID-19
- Biotest starts Phase II study with trimodulin in Covid-19 patients on mechanical ventilation with severe course
2021 |
- Biotest opens five plasma collection centres in Europe
- Grifols S.A. to make a voluntary public takeover offer for the shares of Biotest AG
- Biotest receives approval for its immunoglobulin Intratect in France
- Biotest treats first CMV-positive pregnant woman in Phase III clinical trial to prevent transmission of CMV infection to the unborn child
2022 |
- Biotest opens seven plasma collection centres in Europe
- Acquisition of the majority of voting rights in Biotest by Grifols S.A. after fulfilment of all offer conditions
- Biotest receives approval for new intravenous immunoglobulin Yimmugo (IgG Next Generation)
2023 |
- Grifols and Biotest join forces in core markets to strengthen their joint position. In this context, Biotest sells five distribution companies in Spain, Italy, UK, France and Brazil to Grifols
- Biotest opens two plasma collection centres in Europe
2024 |
- Clinical phase III study with fibrinogen concentrate successfully completed
- US approval for innovative immunoglobulin Yimmugo (IgG Next Generation) granted by FDA
- Strategic agreement with Kedrion Biopharma for distribution of Yimmugo in the USA signed
- Biotest opens four plasma collection centers in Europe