Specification to promote the participation of women in executive positions pursuant to Sections 76 Paragraph 4 and 111 Paragraph 5 of the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz - AktG)
Promotion of women in executive positions
An adequate representation of women in the workforce and, in particular, among the executives, provides an important added value to the Biotest Group. The “German Act on the Equal Participation of Women and Men in Executive Positions in the Private Economy and the Public Service”, as amended and supplemented by the "Act to Supplement and Amend the Regulations for the Equal Participation of Women in Leadership Positions in the Private Sector and in the Public Sector" (so-called "Second Leadership Positions Act"), which came into force on 12 August 2021, provides that companies such as Biotest AG, which are listed on the stock exchange and are subject to co-determination in accordance with the One-Third Participation Act (Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz), must set their own targets for gender participation for the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management and subordinate management levels.
In accordance with this, Biotest AG set target figures for the participation of women in executive positions, which are to be met by 1 January 2025.
Women on the Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of Biotest AG is composed of six members, four of whom represent the shareholders, and two of whom represent the employees. The Supervisory Board is composed of one woman as representative of the shareholders. Both of the representatives of the employees are male. The target variable has fallen below the minimum target of 30 % women.
Women on the Board of Management
The Supervisory Board appointed Ms Ainhoa Mendizabal as a member of the Board of Management as of February, 15 2023. Ms Ainhoa Mendizabal is responsible for Finance, Controlling, Investor Relations and Insurance. Until December 31, 2023 the proportion of women on the Board of Management was 25 %. Since January 1 2024, and the decrease of numbers of members of the Board of Management to three members, the target figure of 33% for the proportion of women on the Board of Management is met.
Women at the first and second management level
The Board of Management of Biotest AG has set a target figure of 30 % for the participation of women at the first management level by January 1, 2025 and has already exceeded this target by December 31, 2023 with 30.8 %. The target figure for the second management level was set at 30 % by January 1, 2025 and as of December 31, 2023, the proportion of women at that management level was 25.0 %. The proportion of women at Biotest group level (1,380 female employees) was 53.2 % as of December 31, 2023.