Corporate social responsibility

Corporate culture

Biotest’s corporate culture

Our employees work independently and with a high level of personal responsibility – but always in a team of highly skilled and supportive co-workers. Creative minds who enjoy demanding projects are welcome at Biotest. In return, we offer diverse tasks and freedom to expand in a supportive community: positions with development potential and multiple promotion possibilities.

Biotest is a modern, medium sized business. Company management is close to the employees and is always ready to listen to their concerns. A positive work environment is a key foundation of our corporate culture.

An inspiring day at the Plasma Donor Center with Prof Dr Karl Lauterbach

Exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the newest plasma service center in Cologne, Germany

As an expert in the healthcare sector, Prof Dr Karl Lauterbach was given a comprehensive insight into the world of plasma donation. He visited the most modern of the 11 plasma collection centers managed by our subsidiary Plasma Service Europe GmbH and was able to see for himself how dedicated people invest their time and energy to help others. During the visit, he discussed the life-saving importance of plasma donation with donors, our employees, patient representative Silke Junge-Unbehauen, Vice Miss Germany Gina Rühl and the management of Plasma Service and Biotest.

"Plasma donations save lives and are urgently needed. I would like to personally thank the many donors who are willing to make a contribution to the care of seriously ill patients for their commitment," emphasised Prof Dr Karl Lauterbach in the donation room and also thanked the employees and management for their contribution to healthcare.

A big thank you to Prof Dr Karl Lauterbach for his interest in this important topic and to all those who are committed to plasma and blood donation and the resulting production of plasma medicines. Together we can make a valuable contribution to the health and well-being of others! 

Biotest sponsors young scientist awards of the DGfI 2023

This year's DGfI award ceremony took place at the joint conference of the German Society for Immunology (DGfI) and the Société Française d'Immunologie (SFI) from 26-29 September in Strasbourg, France.

The Otto Westphal Doctoral Prize (endowed with 1,500 €) is awarded for the best dissertation in the field of immunology carried out in the German-speaking region. Dr. Timo Rückert receives the Otto Westphal Doctoral Prize for his findings on a clonal immune memory in the innate immune system.

The Georges Köhler Prize (endowed with € 3,000) goes on the one hand to the young scientist
Prof. Dr. Petra Bacher for her outstanding work on researching the role of the immune system in chronic inflammatory diseases with a special focus on CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold is awarded for his work in the field of tumour immunology with a focus on the development and implementation of cellular and antibody-mediated therapies.

Both awards are supported by Biotest AG.

Otto-Westphal-Westphal Doctoral Prize: f.l.: Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp (Laudator), Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG), <br>Dr. Timo Rückert (Prizewinner), Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster (DGfI)<br> Picture credits: ®PhilippeGroslier

Otto-Westphal-Westphal Doctoral Prize: f.l.: Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp (Laudator), Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG),
Dr. Timo Rückert (Prizewinner), Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster (DGfI)
Picture credits: ®PhilippeGroslier

f.l.: Dr. Paul von Hoegen, Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG), Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold (Prizewinner), <br>Prof. Dr. Yvonne Samstag (Laudator), Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster (DGfI) <br>Picture credits: ®PhilippeGroslier

f.l.: Dr. Paul von Hoegen, Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG), Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold (Prizewinner),
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Samstag (Laudator), Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster (DGfI)
Picture credits: ®PhilippeGroslier




From September 1 to 21, this year's STADTRADELN of the city of Dreieich took place and we from Biotest participated again! Whether on vacation in Tuscany or on the way to work: Our employees pedaled enthusiastically!

Round about 14,700 kilometers were cycled for Biotest, which corresponds to a CO2 avoidance of 2,394 kg - a remarkable achievement! Even though we only came in second place this year, we are proud to have made our contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to the next STADTRADELN!

Biotest Employee Calendar 2024

We are excited to kick off our Employee Calendar 2024 with the theme "The Future Needs Nature". We were overwhelmed by the great selection of photos submitted by our employees - a total of around 45 participants contributed some 90 impressive images.

As a special innovation, our calendar was printed carbon-neutrally on 100 percent recycled paper with rigid films made from 85 percent recycled material. We are proud that it is FSC-certified, meeting the highest environmental standards. In addition, the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the production and printing of the calendar were offset by emission savings from the "Wind Power Project, Maharashtra, India" certified by First Climate.

Selecting the final images was a real challenge again this year, as the quality of the submissions was impressive. We are inspired by the passion and creativity of our employees. Thank you for all the submissions!


"Klimaretter - Lebensretter" receives German Award for Sustainability Projects 2023

Stairs instead of elevator, avoiding standby or lights off during daylight: Implementing simple climate protection actions at the workplace and thereby saving CO2 - that is the goal of the "Klimaretter - Lebensretter" (Climate Savers - Life Savers) project of the viamedica Foundation. Biotest has already been participating in this climate protection initiative since 2019 in order to raise employees' awareness of the sustainable use of resources and to encourage climate protection in their everyday work life.

In June 2023, the climate protection project "Klimaretter - Lebensretter", which is funded as part of the National Climate Protection Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, received the German Award for Sustainability Projects. The award recognizes outstanding projects that implement sustainability in an exemplary manner. Among other things, the jury awarded the project for its ease of implementation and the playful nature of the online tool. The overall result is impressive: The project was ranked as the best initiative in the category "Education".

Promoting young MINT talents at Biotest

We had some students visiting us as part of the "I am MINT" program. The purpose of the project is to introduce young people to the exciting professions in the field of MINT (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology).

Our trainer Dieter Rohrer not only presented technical professions such as electronics technician, mechanic or chemical technician to the young talents, but also scientific apprenticeships such as laboratory technician. The students were able to build their own understanding of Biotest and the MINT occupational fields and even get hands-on: using different samples of artificial blood, they learned how to determine blood groups.

We would like to thank everyone who supported us during this exciting day and are already looking forward to the next visit of the "MINT's"!


Girls` & Boys` Day at Biotest 2023


On the occasion of the one-day trial internship, we had a visit from 20 children of our employees, who got to know our different occupational fields. After a short introduction about Biotest, our young visitors got hands on by screwing like the industrial mechanics as well as wiring and tinkering with a hot wire like the electronics technicians. After a joint lunch, blood groups were determined from artificial blood samples to find out how our biology and chemistry lab technicians analyze.

So much curiosity and scientific interest among young people is really fun! We would like to thank everyone who supported us during this exciting day.

Rudolf Pichlmayr Award 2022

Biotest donates Rudolf Pichlmayr Prize 2022

The 31st Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society (DTG) took place this year from 29.09.2022 to 01.10.2022 in Erlangen, Germany.
After a two-year break, the scientific prizes of the DTG were finally awarded again during the evening event – including the Rudolf Pichlmayr Prize as the most prestigious prize of the DTG for outstanding achievements in the field of transplantation medicine.

The prize money is 10,000 EUR and is donated by Biotest AG. This year's prize winner was Dr Raphaël Carapito (Strasbourg) for his scientific work on „Identification and validation of new histo-compatibility antigens in transplantation“.

This year, Biotest was again represented with an exhibition booth and also organised a lunch symposium on the topic of CMV immunoglobulins after transplantation and the role of IgGAM after heart transplantation.
Parallel to the DTG annual conference, Biotest was also involved as a poster award sponsor at the symposium of AKTX Care, a non-profit association of committed nurses from transplant care with the aim of promoting qualified personnel and the exchange of knowledge and experience in transplant medicine.


Biotest supports Otto Westphal Doctoral Prize &
Georges Köhler Prize 2022

The German Society for Immunology (DGfI) awards prizes once a year for research work in the field of immunology, including the Georges Köhler Prize and the Otto Westphal Doctoral Prize to outstanding young scientists. Both prizes were supported by Biotest.

The award ceremony took place during the Joint Meeting of the DGfI & ÖGAI on 07 September 2022 at the Hannover Medical School.

We congratulate the two award winners Dr. Sebastian Baasch and Dr. Maike Hofmann for their outstanding work.

Premiere: Biotest grants Renate & Hans Schleussner Research Award for the first time

Dr. Philipp Kolb from the Institute of Virology at the University of Freiburg is the first winner of the Renate & Hans Schleussner Research Award. The award supports a research project of the excellent winner in the field of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.

CMV belongs to the herpes viruses and transmission during pregnancy to the unborn child can lead to severe developmental disorders in the child. Although CMV infections are common, awareness of the problem is low among pregnant women and in obstetrics.

Dr. Kolb's work thus contributes to mak this important topic more visible and to improve the understanding of the mode of action of CMV hyperimmunoglobulins in CMV infection during pregnancy.

Opening of the Parkourpark Dreieich sponsored by Biotest

The parkour park was officially opened on May 7. Biotest sponsored the implementation of the outdoor obstacle landscape in the new Bürgerpark Dreieich with 15,000 euros. Parkour stands for overcoming walls, ditches and railings to get from one point to another and has become a trend sport in recent years. In the process, obstacles are seen as an opportunity to break new ground. The idea for the outdoor obstacle course in Dreieich goes back to László Boroffka, Julian Schäfer and Maxim Kuznetsov - three committed young people who have set themselves the goal of realizing such a project in their home town. A positive side effect: Whether old or young, woman or man, economically disadvantaged, immigrant or refugee: In parkour, no one is excluded.
The parkour park includes a warm-up zone, a zone made of natural materials such as natural stone and wood that is also suitable for the untrained, and a central active zone. Core elements are a starting wall, cylinders, a gymnastics unit as the centerpiece of the facility, horizontal bars, landings, trestles, as well as rails and lifts.
The total cost of the project is 105,000 euros. The outdoor obstacle course is being financed by the city of Dreieich, the airport foundation, crowdfunding, donations and sponsorship from companies.


Boys- und Girls Day 2022

The nationwide Boys' and Girls' Day took place on 28 April 2022. After a two-year "Corona break", it was important to us to once again offer a Boys' and Girls' Day for the children of our employees. And so this year 11 boys and 11 girls experienced an exciting day in the company.

After first information about Biotest, our trainees presented their job descriptions and their tasks. What training is required to work in the laboratory? Who monitors the refrigeration systems at Biotest? Which trainees have a forklift driving licence?

So that the participants could also gain an insight into laboratory activities, the blood group and the rhesus factor of artificial blood samples were determined. The next task was to set up a "hot wire". This was a game of skill in which the group had to demonstrate their manual dexterity.

All in all, it was a successful Boys' and Girls' Day.

Biotest supports the Deutschlandstipendium

Every year, students at Germany's universities who in addition to above-average performance have a particular social or community commitment are supported with a monthly grant of € 300 for one year. This support is provided in equal parts by the government and by private sponsors (such as companies, but also private individuals).

It is an honour for Biotest to support promising young talents. In this way, we are giving young people the opportunity to develop on the one hand, and giving the Rhine-Main area perspective on the other hand.

For the 2021/2022 funding year, Biotest has again participated in the German scholarship and is supporting 5 students from the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and 5 students from the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, each from the fields of pharmacy and medicine. Biotest is particularly pleased to be in exchange with the students and supports scholarship holders who come from medical/pharmaceutical/scientific fields of study in order to be able to provide an insight into a pharmaceutical company in addition to the monetary support.

Commitment for young people: Biotest supports construction of the Parkourpark Dreieich

On 1 December, the groundbreaking ceremony for the parkour park in the new Bürgerpark Dreieich, which Biotest is sponsoring with 15,000 euros, took place. The idea for this open-air obstacle landscape was born three years earlier by three committed young people who set themselves the goal of realising such a project in their home town. Parkour - overcoming walls, ditches and railings to get from one point to another - has become a trendy sport in recent years. Especially in corona times, it offers the opportunity to move intensively in the fresh air and creatively engage with one's surroundings. Another advantage: economically disadvantaged people, immigrants and refugees also find their place in the growing parkour community.
The total cost of the project is 105,000 euros. The open-air obstacle course is financed by the city of Dreieich, the airport foundation, crowdfunding, donations and sponsoring from companies.

Corona pandemic: 500 rose sculptures against oblivion

500 "Rose Bianche" by the artist Ottmar Hörl and a German-Italian photo project on the Covid crisis will commemorate the victims and helpers in the pandemic on the Westend Campus. At the same time it provides impulses for confidence: The proceeds from the sale of the 1.8-kilogram hand-signed original exhibits will go towards German scholarships for students at Goethe University. Biotest not only sponsors the installation, but has also been awarding Germany scholarships for many years to students at various universities who, in addition to above-average performance, have a special social commitment.
The installation is accompanied by the exhibition of the German-Italian photo project on the Covid crisis by photographers Stefano Dili and Ingmar Björn Nolting in the foyer of the PEG building.

Christmas parcels for children

Since 1995, the "Kinderzukunft" foundation in Gründau has been calling for people to pack Christmas parcels every year, which are then distributed in Bosnia, Romania and Ukraine to girls and boys in orphanages, clinics, schools and kindergartens, but also in slums.

The patron of the campaign is the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Christine Lambrecht.

This year, Biotest AG is supporting the campaign by paying the shipping costs. Every single employee can contribute to bringing joy to children in need at Christmas time by giving small gifts.


Flyer Christmas Parcels 2021
PDF, 2.31 MB
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Rudolf Pichlmayr Award 2021

Rudolf Pichlmayr Award at DTG 2021 (sponsored by Biotest AG)

The 30th Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society (DTG) took place this year as a hybrid event from 07-09 October 2021 in Stuttgart. Every year, the renowned Rudolf Pichlmayr Prize for outstanding achievements in transplantation medicine is awarded at the annual meeting.
This year, PD Dr. med. Volker Aßfalg from the Transplant Centre of the Klinikum rechts der Isar was awarded for his scientific paper "Multicentre investigation of transplantation outcomes after kidney allocation by EUROTRANSPLANT: HU allocation, repeated retransplantation and salvage allocation".

This contribution aims to support the promotion of optimal and equitable care and continuous improvement in organ transplantation. In order to be able to further optimise future allocation algorithms for the allocation of transplants, data from extensive databases are required. Thus, the scientific work was able to decisively increase the completeness of the data sets.

The prize money is 10,000 euros and is donated by Biotest AG.

v.l.n.r.: v.l.n.r.: Professor Dr. Christian Strassburg (DTG-Präsident), PD Dr. med. Volker Aßfalg, (Gewinner Pichlmayr Preis 2021), Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG) <br>Quelle: © K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, Fotostudio Essen

v.l.n.r.: v.l.n.r.: Professor Dr. Christian Strassburg (DTG-Präsident), PD Dr. med. Volker Aßfalg, (Gewinner Pichlmayr Preis 2021), Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG)
Quelle: © K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, Fotostudio Essen

City cycling in Dreieich

This year we won the city cycling competition again with around 80 participants!
The "Biotest" team covered the most total kilometres and received the "Gold" award as the "most cycling-active company" from the Climate Alliance and the City of Dreieich.

One of our teammates even won the individual ranking with over 2,000 km in 3 weeks!

With a total team result of 22,443 km, 3,299 kg of CO2 were saved.

The official award ceremony of the city of Dreieich took place on 14 October in the Dreieich town hall.

Report in - Training radar for trainees

Companies help rejected applicants find a job

Together with a start-up company from Fulda, the employers' association HessenChemie has developed the new platform "Ausbildungsradar" (training radar), which is intended to bring potential trainees and companies together. 25 of the 80 training companies in Hesse are registered on this platform, including Biotest AG.


Unternehmenskurltur Hessenschau Ausbildungsrader
PDF, 435 KB
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Our apprentices win the digital company competition

 Minister for Digital Strategy and Development honours Biotest trainees

In a virtual award ceremony, Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus, Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development honoured the winners in this year's apprentice competition of the Employers' Association Hessen Chemie. 146 trainees from a total of 35 teams entered the competition despite the Corona pandemic. Two trainee teams from Biotest took part, and one team took first place with their project "BioFly".

What is behind the project "BioFly"? To this the group says:

"Our project team tackled the innovative topic of "medication shipping using light cargo delivery drones". In times of Covid-19, contactless shipping of medicines is a safe alternative to conventional shipping methods, especially for risk groups. The goal behind our idea is fast and location-accurate shipping of medicines, suitable for regular deliveries and especially for time-critical emergencies."

To this end, the group has developed an app through which our life-saving medicines can be ordered. These can be delivered promptly by contactless drone to the appropriate locations. A great idea, especially in these times of contact bans!

The winning team:

from left to right: Dieter Rohrer (Ausbilder), Lara Glasner, Christoph Stroh, Christian Lehrbacher, Niclas Stein

from left to right: Dieter Rohrer (Ausbilder), Lara Glasner, Christoph Stroh, Christian Lehrbacher, Niclas Stein


Biotest participates in the "Ökoprofit" environmental campaign

The aim of the project is to generate a "best practice" exchange of experience for climate protection via the network of companies, cities and municipalities. The project round offers the opportunity to have the company certified according to the internationally recognised ISO 14001 or EMAS standard at comparatively low personnel and financial cost.

The following topics are developed:

Improving transparency for resource use, emissions and climate protection

  • Increasing the legal certainty of the organisation and the entrepreneur by fulfilling legal requirements and conditions
  • Improving employee motivation through stronger identification with a sustainably operating company
  • Sensitising employees to environmental protection issues
  • Cost savings in waste, material, water, energy and material flows
  • Confidence among customers and the public through marketing support

Since 2016, the Ecoprofit Club Frankfurt am Main has also been recognised by the Federal Initiative Energy Efficiency Networks as an energy and resource efficiency network.

Since the initiative was launched as part of the National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (NAPE) in December 2014, more than 100 energy efficiency networks have already been established nationwide.


Ecoprofit round 2019/20 completed: Award for the City of Dreieich and Dreieich businesses
PDF, 383 KB
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Press release: 33 companies and 5 municipalities save 12,600 tonnes of CO2
PDF, 413 KB
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Donor kidneys under the "molecular microscope"

Rudolf Pichlmayr Prize 2019 awarded to MHH scientist PD Dr. Dr. Gunilla Einecke

About 20% of donor kidneys are no longer functional five years after transplantation. This is usually due to a rejection reaction. How can rejection be prevented and donor organs saved? A "molecular microscope" detects rejection reactions earlier and more precisely and enables timely and differentiated therapy. The German Transplant Society awarded the Rudolf Pichlmayr Prize 2019 to Dr Dr Gunilla Einecke, Senior Physician at the Clinic for Renal and Hypertensive Diseases at the Hanover Medical School, for her scientific work on the "molecular microscope".

The Rudolf Pichlmayr Award of the German Transplant Society (DTG) commemorates the transplant surgeon Professor Dr Rudolf Pichlmayr of the Hanover Medical School, who has had a lasting influence on transplantation medicine in Germany. The award is presented at the annual conference of the DTG for outstanding achievements in transplant medicine. The prize money amounts to 10,000 euros and is donated by the company Biotest AG.

DTG-Präsident Professor Dr. Christian Strassburg, PD Dr. Dr. Gunilla Einecke, Dr. Nicola Nowak Biotest AG (Preis-Sponsor) und Professor Dr. Bernhard Banas.<br> Quelle: K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, Foto Thomas Hauss

DTG-Präsident Professor Dr. Christian Strassburg, PD Dr. Dr. Gunilla Einecke, Dr. Nicola Nowak Biotest AG (Preis-Sponsor) und Professor Dr. Bernhard Banas.
Quelle: K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, Foto Thomas Hauss


Biotest donates Georg Kreymann doctoral award for intensive care medicine at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)

In December 2019, the Georg Kreymann Award for Intensive Care Medicine, which was donated by Biotest AG, was presented for the first time
to Dr Christian Wachs.

The doctorate award sponsored by Biotest AG can now also be used to award young researchers in the field of intensive care at the UKE. The award for intensive care medicine is named after the former intensive care doctor Prof Kreymann, who among other things first showed in a meta-analysis the therapeutic benefit of immunoglobulin M-enriched immunoglobulins versus standard immunoglobulin preparations.

Foto: Prof Kreymann, Dr Christian Wachs, Prof Kluge, Dr Gockel (Biotest AG)

Foto: Prof Kreymann, Dr Christian Wachs, Prof Kluge, Dr Gockel (Biotest AG)

Biotest supports the GAP program initiated by WFH

Biotest is committed to the global hemophilia community and improving patients’ lives. Therefore, Biotest keeps supporting the Global Alliance for Progress (GAP) program initiated by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) as a collaborating partner.

The GAP program was launched in 2003 by the WFH to increase the diagnosis and treatment of people with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders in targeted developing countries. Up to now, 33 countries have enrolled in the GAP Program and 40 programs have been implemented. 31,373 patients with hemophilia, 5,360 with von Willebrand disease (VWD) and 3.819 with rare clotting factor deficiencies have been diagnosed or registered.

Link to video as provided by WFH:

Biotest takes GOLD at the PM Society Digital Awards 2019

Biotest took home a Gold Award at the 2019 Pharmaceutical Marketing Society Digital Awards for the patient video “Second Life”.
The video, produced together with London-based creative agency ARK, was shortlisted in the highly competitive category “Best Film”.


Biotest Specialty Products

Biotest provides medicines for severe viral and bacterial infections. The specialty products comprise the hyperimmunoglobulins against hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster virus and bacteria.
This short video was introducing the product teams for the specialty products at the distributors meeting and emphasizes the severity of disease, the emotional challenge associated with it for patients and relatives as well as the motivation for us to serve this medical need.








University Degree with 1.0 Dream Grade

Fynn Bröking finishes his studies top of the class

The dual study course for the Bachelor of Arts in International Business with a focus on general management is completed over six semesters. The study course is offered by Biotest in partnership with the accadis University of Applied Sciences Bad Homburg. An integrated semester abroad guarantees international experience during this business degree program.

For Mr Bröking, these were three very successful years, which are not only reflected in his excellent grades: even during his studies, he had already advanced many internal projects at Biotest. For instance, after completing his semester abroad at Northumbria University in Newcastle, he developed and established a modern reporting concept for our British subsidiary
Biotest UK Ltd.

As part of his bachelor thesis, Mr Bröking developed and implemented a new dynamic and interactive reporting system for research and development controlling. His thesis was graded 1.0 (100 out of 100 possible points!).

We congratulate Mr Bröking on his outstanding degree and wish him many successful years at Biotest AG.

Crime scene for legal medicine: Fiction and reality

Event at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main on 10 October 2019

The audience, including around one hundred guests and employees of Biotest AG, followed the entertainingly gruesome remarks made by Joe Bausch and Prof. Marcel Verhoff with intense attention.

The two speakers provided detailed insights into what really happens at a crime scene and what we are served on a Sunday night, without however revealing to the audience the recipe for the perfect murder.

Joe Bausch, an actor, physician, and author, is known for his role as medical examiner Dr Roth in the Cologne-based television series 'Tatort' alongside Ballauf and Schenk (Klaus J. Behrendt and Dietmar Bär).

Prof. Marcel Verhoff is the director of the Institute of Legal Medicine at University Hospital Frankfurt. Amongst other things, his scientific research focuses on the identification of perpetrators through forensic DNA analysis.

After the talks, there was an opportunity for joint photos with the real and fictitious forensic doctors, autographs, and discussions about everything you always wanted to know about 'death' and 'murder'.

City cycling in Dreieich

This year we won the city cycling competition again with around 80 participants!
The "Biotest" team covered the most total kilometres and received the "Gold" award as the "most cycling-active company" from the Climate Alliance and the City of Dreieich.

One of our teammates even won the individual ranking with over 2,000 km in 3 weeks!

With a total team result of 22,443 km, 3,299 kg of CO2 were saved.

The official award ceremony of the city of Dreieich took place on 14 October in the Dreieich town hall.

Donation from Biotest to the fire department

With our donation for the Dreieich fire department, it became possible to buy three trolleys, which are important for operational hygiene. This is part of the health protection for the fireguards. The firefighters should not be exposed to pollutants or only for as short a time as possible. The basis is that the soiled uniforms and respiratory protective equipment are already exchanged at the place of use. This way, the carryover of toxic substances is as far as possible excluded. The trolleys are needed to carry spare clothing and respirators. The donation allows the concept to be implemented at short notice for the benefit of the fire fighters.

Picture f. l. Karin Eisenhauer (Head of Citizens and Order Dreieich), Markus Tillmann (City Fire Inspector), Dr Georg Floss (Members of the Biotest Board of Management), Martin Burlon (Mayor Dreieich) and the fire brigade team

Photo Campaign "Yes, we care!“

Children with rare diseases are the "orphans of medicine". Too often they do not receive help because their diseases have not been researched and therapies are not available. The Foundation "Care for Rare" demands more attention for the orphans of medicine. With the campaign "Yes, we care!" the foundation intends to create a wave of solidarity that raises public awareness to children with rare diseases. The foundation founded in 2009 out of science and medicine, follows the vision: No child should have to die just because it suffers from an illness which is so rare that nobody is interested in it!

The first measure of the campaign is a large online photo gallery of supporters. The aim of the campaign is to show affected children and their families that they are not alone. At the same time this is a signal to the public that children with rare diseases have a lobby.

Biotest supported this campaign as part of its "After Work Christmas Market" on December 11th, 2018. Around 60 Biotest employees were photographed with the "Yes, we care!" logo and their pictures were uploaded to

Please find more information about the campaign

 „Yes, we care!“ on the website:

Check handover to the “Humour supports cure” foundation

5. Health day at Biotest with a presentation by Dr. Eckhard von Hirschhausen: "Humour against stress". Dr. von Hirschhausen donates his remuneration for his presentation at Biotest to his foundation "Humour helps healing" (Humor hilft heilen).