This year's DGfI award ceremony took place at the joint conference of the German Society for Immunology (DGfI) and the Société Française d'Immunologie (SFI) from 26-29 September in Strasbourg, France.
The Otto Westphal Doctoral Prize (endowed with 1,500 €) is awarded for the best dissertation in the field of immunology carried out in the German-speaking region. Dr. Timo Rückert receives the Otto Westphal Doctoral Prize for his findings on a clonal immune memory in the innate immune system.
The Georges Köhler Prize (endowed with € 3,000) goes on the one hand to the young scientist
Prof. Dr. Petra Bacher for her outstanding work on researching the role of the immune system in chronic inflammatory diseases with a special focus on CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold is awarded for his work in the field of tumour immunology with a focus on the development and implementation of cellular and antibody-mediated therapies.
Both awards are supported by Biotest AG.
Otto-Westphal-Westphal Doctoral Prize: f.l.: Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp (Laudator), Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG),
Dr. Timo Rückert (Prizewinner), Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster (DGfI)
Picture credits: ®PhilippeGroslier
f.l.: Dr. Paul von Hoegen, Katarina Hrastovic (Biotest AG), Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold (Prizewinner),
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Samstag (Laudator), Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster (DGfI)
Picture credits: ®PhilippeGroslier