Biotest AG and its domestic and foreign subsidiaries ("Biotest") are committed to responsible corporate governance in accordance with internationally recognized standards, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations (UN), the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the labor and social standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), as well as applicable standards for ecological and sustainable business practices. Biotest expects the same from its business partners.
Accordingly, as a business partner of Biotest, you agree to take reasonable steps to comply with all applicable national and international laws and regulations and, in particular, the following provisions, in the course of and in connection with your business activities:
1. Biotest Code of Conduct
The provisions of the Biotest ETHICS AND CODE OF CONDUCT, available from the website of Biotest AG, currently at
2. Fair social and working conditions and other human rights
The internationally recognized human rights of your employees and the people affected by your business activities.
2.1 Prohibition of forced labor
The prohibition of slavery, servitude, forced labor, forced prison labor, forced conscription of labor, or trafficking in persons under ILO Convention 29.
2.2 Prohibition of child labor
Prohibiting the use of child labor in accordance with ILO Conventions 138 and 182, the United Nations Global Compact Guiding Principles, and/or national laws.
2.3 Fair remuneration and working time
Complying with all applicable national or international laws and regulations to ensure fair working conditions, as well as applicable working time, pay and compensation regulations.
2.4 No discrimination
All applicable legal provisions prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, physical condition, sexual orientation, medical condition, political affiliation, sex, age, appearance or association membership, potential parenthood, or any other characteristic protected by law.
2.5 Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining
The rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
2.6 Health and safety
Ensuring a working environment in compliance with applicable legal and international standards, particularly with regard to safe and healthy workplaces.
The Prohibition the hiring or use of private or public security forces if they violate any of the human rights set forth in this Section 2 due to your lack of instruction or control.
2.7 Unlawful deprivation or displacement of natural resources
The prohibitions on unlawful eviction and unlawful deprivation of land, forests and waters, the use of which provides a person's livelihood.
3. Ecological sustainability
All applicable national and international laws and regulations for the protection of the environment, the prevention or minimization of environmental pollution such as, in particular, harmful soil contamination, water pollution, air pollution, harmful noise emission or excessive water consumption.
Value chain and concluding remarks
You will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the basic principles of this Code of Conduct are also observed by your business partners.
Biotest will regularly review this Code of Conduct for its effectiveness and appropriateness and, if necessary, update it accordingly.